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Global Engagement Certificate

  • Certification

The Global Engagement Certificate is designed to enhance any major program of study and nearly all required coursework overlaps with Saint Vincent College core requirements. This is not a minor program, but rather a certificate, in that the focus is not so much on subject matter competence, but rather on habits of mind and skills that are important for understanding and engaging with the world, locally and globally.

The world is increasingly interconnected, and our local communities are part of larger political, social, cultural, ecological, and economic systems. The Global Engagement Certificate program seeks to teach students to consider how we, as we live our lives in our local communities, affect and are affected by the world around us. The Global Engagement Certificate is designed to enhance any major program of study and nearly all required coursework overlaps with Saint Vincent College core requirements. This design allows students to plan their education to focus on skills that are important for understanding and engaging with the world around us, locally and globally. Students who earn the Global Engagement Certificate will have demonstrated that they have developed skills and ways of thinking that will allow them to work productively with people and institutions from various cultures and backgrounds and that they are able to analyze how their actions, locally, play a part in the complex dynamics of our connected world. 

Undergraduate Programs

Curriculum Requirements

  • Requirements for a Certificate in Global Engagement

    Global Coursework 

    Students pursuing the Global Engagement Certificate will complete a total of 18 credits of coursework to fulfill the global and language requirements. These courses may overlap with their other degree requirements. The coursework consists of 9 credits of required courses, 6 credits of elective courses, and 3 credits in an advanced language course. 

    Required courses:

    • AN 222—Cultural Anthropology
    • HI 288—History of Global Health
    • AN 322—Global Engagement Seminar
    • An advanced language course, beyond the Intermediate II level

    Note: The certificate may only be awarded upon the completion of an academic degree at Saint Vincent College.

    Elective Options

    Select two—one must be outside of anthropology and history

    • PY 399 Child Welfare and Development in the International Context
    • HI 226 Society and the Environment in Historical Perspective
    • AR Contemporary Art in Israel and the Middle East
    • NSCI 265 Science for International Development
    • NSCI 252 Science of Sustainable Living
    • NSCI Global Climate Change
    • NSCI 140 Science and Global Sustainability
    • SO 106 Sociology and Global Issues
    • AN 285 Medical Anthropology
    • TH 327 Living Theology in Guatemala
    • AN 295 Culture and Health in Guatemala
    • AN 315 Applied Anthropology
    • AN 225 Anthropology and World Art
    • ES 230 Energy and the Environment

    A relevant internship or capstone project may also fulfill one of the elective requirements, with approval of the program director.

    Note: Some of these courses may have prerequisites and/or lab sections.

    Language Requirement

    Students pursuing the Global Engagement Certificate must complete 3 credits of advanced language study (200 level or higher), beyond the core requirement. It is strongly recommended that the students do their education abroad requirement in a place where they can immerse themselves in the language they are studying. 

    Education Abroad (28 days of study abroad)

    Students pursuing the Global Engagement Certificate must complete a minimum of 28 days of academically oriented education abroad. Students who are not able to complete a full 28 days abroad can work with the program director to identify an appropriate in-country experiential learning opportunity that fulfills the objectives of the study abroad component, to substitute for up to 14 days of study abroad time. 

    Extra and Co-curricular Engagement (involvement in and reflection on globally oriented clubs/events)

    Students must demonstrate and reflect on active participation in an internationally or globally oriented organization (a student club or civic organization that engages with global issues) and attending/participating in at least 5 campus or community globally themed events (lectures, forums, festivals, service events). 

    Global Engagement Portfolio (artifacts from each certificate component and final reflective essay)

    Students will compile a digital portfolio documenting their accomplishments of the certificate requirements. Students will compile the portfolio as they complete different requirements for the program, and will finalize portfolios, including a final reflective essay as part of the Global Engagement Seminar. 

Student Learning Outcomes

Students completing the Global Engagement Certificate program will demonstrate ability to:

  • Articulate a systemic understanding of the interrelationships among the self, local and global communities, and the natural and physical world.
  • Demonstrate skills that contribute to effective global engagement, including proficiency in a foreign language, interdisciplinary reasoning and cross-cultural understanding.
  • Analyze the impact of ethical and power relations on people’s lives both across the globe and within individual societies.
  • Recognize and exercise personal and social responsibility, locally, nationally and globally through extra and co-curricular activities and reflection.
  • Apply knowledge and skills involving an integrated and systemic understanding of the interrelationships between contemporary and past challenges facing cultures, societies and the natural world on the local and global levels to real-life problem-solving both alone and with others.