In This Section
Welcome to the neighborhood!
Welcome to your first year at Saint Vincent! Our freshman year experience is designed to help you start strong and feel at home from day one. Here, you'll discover our freshman orientation programs, essential move-in day details, residence hall and commuter arrangements, and valuable academic resources. Be sure to check out the Accepted Student page for important information about registering, depositing, and connecting with us.
Starting Strong at Freshmen Orientation
Welcome Weekend kicks off the extended orientation experience, which continues for the first 5-6 weeks of the semester with events specifically for first-year students. These activities provide a safe space for students to grow their knowledge and friendships, offering numerous opportunities to find friends, make new memories, and cement connections. Our student government led Activities Programming Board also hosts campus wide activities and events the first few weeks of school for upperclassmen and freshmen to interact and get acquainted. Additionally, the Big/Little program pairs incoming students with Orientation Committee members who serve as mentors. This initiative helps new students feel welcome and supported both before they arrive on campus and throughout their first semester.
Orientation program features:
• Become a Bearcat Day in the spring
• New Student Orientation in the summer
• Welcome Weekend before classes start
• Five weeks of social and academic support during the first semester
Navigating Move-In Day
Below, you'll find practical information about the activities and events planned for Welcome Weekend, as well as instructions for move-in and registration for commuter students, ensuring you have all the details you need to start your journey at Saint Vincent.
Welcome Weekend
Thursday, August 22nd
8:00 am - 11:30 pm | Residence Hall Move-In, Saint Benedict Hall
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Commuter Check-In, Citrone Family Commuter Lounge
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm | Wimmer’s Welcome, In front of Basilica
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Welcome Mass, Basilica
We invite you, the newest members of the Saint Vincent community, to join us in the celebration of the liturgy.
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Welcome Picnic
It is also a great time to meet other classmates and their families as well as members of the Saint Vincent College Administration.
6:00 pm – 6:30 pm | Family Farewells
6:30 pm | Meet your Prefect, Your Saint Benedict Hall Pod, ATTENDANCE REQUIRED
8:00 pm | New Student Meeting, Carey Performing Arts Center, ATTENDANCE REQUIRED
This mandatory meeting is for all freshmen resident and commuter students. Students will receive the Rule of Saint Benedict from Archabbot Martin de Porres Bartel and Father Paul Taylor.
9:00 pm - 11:00 pm | Welcome Social & Bonfire, Saint Benedict Hall
Friday, August 23rd
8:00 am - 9:00 am | Breakfast with your Big, Community Center
9:00 am - 11:30 am | Information Sessions, Carey Performing Arts Center, ATTENDANCE REQUIRED
- 9:00 am | Community Standards, Mr. Ishmael Solomon, Director of Residence Life
- 9:30 am | Title IX and Campus Safety, Ms. Eileen Flinn, General Counsel and Title IX Coordinator
- 11:00 am | Service Project Overview, Ms. Jody Marsh, Director of Office of Community and Global Engagement
11:30 am - 1:00 pm | Faculty Advisor Lunch, Community Center, ATTENDANCE REQUIRED
This will be an opportunity for students to meet with their faculty advisor in their program, get to know them, and to socialize with them.
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Service Project, Meet in Carey Gymnasium, ATTENDANCE REQUIRED
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Dinner with your Big, Community Center
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm | Healthy Relationships, Performing Arts Center, ATTENDANCE REQUIRED
Damon Owens
9:00 pm – 10:30 pm | Play Fair, Robert S. Carey Gymnasium
Saturday, August 24th
8:30 am – 9:45 am | Breakfast, Community Center
8:30 am – 9:45 am | Commuter Student Breakfast and Social, Citrone Family Commuter Lounge
10:00 am – 11:30 pm | Information Sessions, Carey Performing Arts Center, ATTENDANCE REQUIRED
- 10:00 am | Academic Affairs Policies & Procedures, Dr. Dana Winters, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
- 10:30 am | Career Center, Ms. Kim Woodley, Director of Career Center
- 10:45 am | Information Technology, Mr. Justin Fabin, Chief Informational Officer
- 11:00 am | What is a Catholic, Benedictine College?, Fr. Maximillian Maxwell, O.S.B, Director of Campus Ministry
11:30 pm – 1:00 pm | Lunch with your Prefect, Community Center
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm | Scavenger Hunt with Pod, Performing Arts Center, ATTENDANCE REQUIRED
4:30 pm | Mass, Mary Mother of Wisdom Chapel
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm | Campus Ministry Tailgate Event
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Class of 2028 Photograph, Carey Gymnasium, ATTENDANCE REQUIRED
Wear your Graffiti Dance Party Shirt for the photograph.
8:30 pm – 11:00 pm | Graffiti Dance Party, Intramural Fields
Get your marker when you wear the shirt that you received in your Welcome Bag to the dance!
Sunday, August 25th
9:00 am – 10:00 am | Informational Sessions, Performing Arts Center, ATTENDANCE REQUIRED
- 9:00 am | Personal Safety & Wellness, Ms. Gretchen Flock, Director of Wellness Center & Ms. Stephanie Fago, Director of Public Safety
- 9:30 am | Be Involved, Be Saint Vincent, Ms. Deanna Wicks, Director of Campus Life & Ms. Gabby Bricker, Graduate Coordinator for Student Activities
10:00 am – 11:00 am |Tour of Campus with your Big
11:30 am – 1:00 pm | Brunch with your Big, Community Center
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm | Alcohol, Drugs and the College Experience, Performing Arts Center
Chris and Kathy Sullivan
2:30 pm – 3:15 pm | The Importance of Understanding Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Biases, Performing Arts Center, ATTENDANCE REQUIRED
Cpl. Aaron J. Allen, Pennsylvania State Police, Heritage Affairs Office
3:15 pm – 4:00 pm | Speed Friending, Community Center
7:00 pm | Mass, Mary Mother of Wisdom Chapel
9:30 pm | Mass, Mary Mother of Wisdom Chapel
Freshman Residence Hall Move-In
Arriving and Unloading
Residential students will be directed to the Welcome Area in Parking Lot A near the Fred Rogers Center after arriving on campus, where student ID cards and Residence Hall room keys will be distributed. Residence Life and Orientation Staff will then direct cars to Saint Benedict Hall for unloading.
Please keep your party’s cars together when entering the parking lot. If a car in your party is running behind, please pull over in a separate lot or area and wait for their arrival prior to entering Parking Lot A.
Residence Life and Orientation Staff will direct cars to Saint Benedict Hall for unloading from Parking Lot A. Please have patience with this process, as we will be working hard to make the day run smoothly for you!
Due to the amount of luggage that will be unloaded in one area, it is crucial that ALL belongings are marked with the student’s name and residence hall room number (this includes the Pod letter and room number (e.g. C209). Please label all belongings prior to arrival in a prominent location. We will assist with the moving process, but all belongings must be labeled. If you arrive with unlabeled belongings, you will be asked to step out of the line and label belongings prior to continuing to move in.
After being directed to the unloading areas, Orientation committee members will unload vehicles and assist in transporting all belongings to residence hall rooms.
The driver of the vehicle should remain with the vehicle at all times. As soon as the items have been removed from your vehicle, please follow the directions of the Orientation committee members and park in the designated spaces so that we will be able to accommodate the next student’s arrival.
Please move vehicles immediately after unloading in order to allow other vehicles to unload easily. The Orientation Committee will direct vehicles to the parking locations in Parking Lot R. Handicapped parking will be available after move-in has concluded, but passenger drop off in the handicapped parking zone will be permitted during move- in as needed.
No bed bunking will be permitted in Saint Benedict Hall.
If you are uncomfortable with physical move-in assistance from the Orientation Committee, you will be directed to a separate location to unload your vehicle. All items should be removed from the car and the driver must remain with the car. The car must be moved to designated parking spaces as soon as all belongings have been removed to allow for space for the next student’s arrival.
Saint Benedict Hall Move-In
Thursday, August 22
First-year residential students may arrive on campus at the following designated arrival times. Your pod is shown in your room number. As an example, B405 is in Pod 4B and D302 is in Pod 3D.
5th Floor, 7:45 AM - 8:15 AM
4th Floor, 8:15 AM - 9:00 AM
3rd Floor, 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
2nd Floor, 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM
1st Floor, 10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Late Movie-In, 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Extra Late Arrivals
Resident students who arrive after the scheduled Late Move-In time, which concludes at 11:30 AM, should proceed directly to Saint Benedict Hall and seek out their Prefect with Residence Life who will check them in individually. After 11:30 AM, the Orientation Welcome Tent and assistance with move-in will not be available.
Early Arrivals
Freshman resident students are invited to move items into the residence halls on Wednesday, August 21, from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM only. When you arrive on campus, vehicles may be parked in Parking Lot Q, located behind Saint Benedict Hall. This period is for item drop off only. Keys, IDs, and other materials will not be distributed, and Orientation and Residence Life staff are unable to allow students to unpack any items. Students may not remain in the building overnight. Students do not need to register for item drop off. When you return to campus the next day, please process through the Welcome Tent to receive keys and IDs.
Orientation Assistance Station
An Orientation Assistance Station and other resources will be available in the lobby of Saint Benedict Hall for your convenience.
Commuter Check-In
Commuter check-in will be in the Citrone Family Commuter Center from 1:00-2:30 p.m. Please see the information specifically sent about Commuter Check-In Information. Upon completing check-in, students will receive a Welcome Bag and other important information and resources for commuting.
Parking Permits
To request a parking permit, please sign up on the Public Safety page on the MySV Portal. Students are required to display their permit. Cars without permits will be ticketed during the first week of classes.
Important Information About Financial Clearance
Financial Clearance must be obtained prior to moving into Residence Halls. Those students who have been financially cleared will be given their room key, and students who are not cleared will be directed to the Business Office to obtain their clearances.
If a student arrives after 4:30 PM, they are expected to obtain financial clearance the next day or on Monday, August 26, by noon. Otherwise, the student’s ID card will be deactivated and they will be required to leave their residence hall until clearance is obtained.
You will be notified by the Business Office when you are financially cleared. Please make sure you have financial clearance prior to move-in. Students without financial clearance will not receive their room keys. If you have questions about financial clearance, please contact the Business Office at 724-537-4577.
Students Without Financial Clearance
Select administrative offices will be open between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM to assist students in obtaining financial clearance. Lot A Welcome Area staff will direct any students not financially cleared to the Business Office to complete the financial clearance process. You will not receive a room key until you are financially cleared. A staff member will direct you to an area to park. Then proceed into the Business Office to obtain clearance. Once clearance is attained, you should return to your car and a staff member will assist in directing you to your residence hall. In this case, there will be a delay in the move-in process.
First-Year Student Commuter Check-In
All About Check-In
When should I arrive?
Please arrive to Check-In on Thursday, August 22 from 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM.
Where should I go?
Commuter students should park in Parking Lot A near the Fred Rogers Center, then proceed directly to the Citrone Family Commuter Center, located in Placid Hall near the Post Office and Community Center Dining Room.
What can I expect to receive at Check-In?
This is where you will receive your student ID card, important first-year student information, and Welcome Weekend packets. You will also meet other Commuters and start to build your new home on campus.
Do I have to attend Check-In?
Check-In is mandatory, as are the other events of the weekend.
How do I get my parking permit?
To request a parking permit, please sign up on the Public Safety page on the MySV Portal. Students are required to display their permits. Cars without permits will be ticketed during the first week of classes.
Important Information About Financial Clearance
Financial Clearance must be obtained prior to check-in. Students who are not cleared will be directed to the Business Office to obtain their clearances. You will be notified by the Business Office when you are financially cleared. Please make sure you have financial clearance prior to check-in.
If you have questions about financial clearance, please contact the Business Office at 724-537-4577.
Who should I contact with questions specifically about commuting?
Bridget DiVittis, Coordinator of Commuter Outreach (bridget.divitties@stvincent.edu)
Miranda Guthrie, Graduate Assistant for Commuter Outreach (miranda.guthrie@stvincent.edu)
Orientation Committee (svc.orientation@stvincent.edu)
Creating Your Campus Home
Freshmen Residence Halls and Pod Life
Welcome to Saint Benedict Hall, your home for your first year at Saint Vincent! Here, you'll enjoy the most picturesque view of the sunrise over our Basilica. Saint Benedict Hall is designed to help first-year students foster a true sense of community and get to know their fellow classmates.
- Pod Living: You'll live in “pods” or neighborhoods of 16-24 students, grouped based on your study habits, interests, sleep schedule, and more.
- Community Spaces: Each of the 21 individual pods has its own lounge and a unique theme, providing a space for bonding and activities.
- Activities and Programs: Participate in programs, games, and Bible studies together, making friends that last a lifetime.
- Pod Wars: Compete in fun activities like human battleship, scavenger hunts, and the ultimate finale to win the coveted title of Pod Wars Champions.
Your pod will be your team, your home, and your family throughout your freshman year.
Commuter Life
Welcome to the Citrone Family Commuter Center, your home away from home on campus! Located on the first floor of Placid Hall across from the Caf, this dedicated commuter lounge is designed to provide a comfortable and convenient space for you during your downtime.
- Amenities: Enjoy a kitchenette equipped with a microwave, refrigerator, and Keurig as well as study tables, a pool table, TV, and wireless internet service.
- Access: As a commuter, you’ll also have access to Saint Benedict Hall, including its lounge, computer lab, and kitchenette.
- Support: You’ll be assigned a home neighborhood with a prefect who will guide you through orientation events and assist you throughout the year.
- Activities: Join in many activities with your fellow first-year students, making connections and enjoying your time on campus.
The Citrone Family Commuter Center is a relaxing and enjoyable space, perfect for studying, socializing, and unwinding.
Preparing for Academic Success
Academic Support
Get ready to start on the right foot academically with our supportive faculty and staff.
- Faculty advisors are assigned to help you choose courses and assist you in meeting the necessary requirements for your major, while helping you achieve your academic goals.
- The Student Academic Success staff offer tutoring and study skill sessions for extra academic support.
First Year Courses
Your first-year experience includes classes designed to introduce you to the traditions that inform our mission as a Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts institution of higher learning.
- The Listening Seminar- In this Core course, you’ll listen “with the ear of the heart,” you’ll read and discuss ancient texts, and you'll engage with the Ten Hallmarks of Benedictine Education.
- Core Writing- This course will help you develop foundational skills in writing to help you connect to truth, defend justice, seek peace, and express love.
Contact Us
Orientation Office